My Royal House

My Royal House was a museum that existed from 2001-2010 and was located at Antwerpsesteenweg 1.
It concerned a private collection of objects related to the Belgian royal family and which was developed by Astrid Bammens. She set up an exhibition on the subject in Retie in 1995.
Later a vacant café, called Quatre-Bras (four arms), was converted into a museum with period rooms and many objects that related to the Belgian royal family. The museum was opened in 2001.
The house was expropriated. The province of Limburg made a roundabout.
This museum was a “private” and not subsidized despite its success.
The museum closed its doors on December 31, 2010.
On October 02, 2003, a defect in an electric fire caused a smoldering fire to break out. The damage was great. About six to seven square meters completely went up in flames. It was limited to mainly paperwork. There is a lot of smoke damage in the rest of the building.
March 25, 2014 was the very last day for the building. It must give way to the construction of the new roundabout.
The Quatre Bras was a household name in Leopoldsburg. For years the huge building at the five-arm crossroads was one of the most popular cafés in the army municipality. In the distant past, Ingrid Berghmans also took her first steps in judo sport in a back room where she would grow to be the best in the world.
Below are old postcards, photos from inside the museum, and the original flyer.
Old post cards
Some photos
Original flyer
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