On the internet much can be found. But sometimes it becomes a very long search. That’s how it is when you want to find a video over Leopoldsburg. By now I managed to find some that do fit on this website. To make it easier for you, you can find them all on this page. Unfortunately most of them are in Dutch without English subs. Did you find an other interesting one? Please do let me know! |

BRITISH PATHÉ TV - FILM ID:1891.05Leopoldsburg, Belgium. British troops advance on foot along railway lines. Various shots of officers outside building. Various shots of damaged buildings. Travel shots past wire fences of Prisoner of War (POW) camp? More shots of damaged buildings. A bren gun carrier drives through streets. More shots of damage. (no sound)

HEMATOLOGICAL SOCIETY LEOPOLDSBURG - October 09 2013Historical and Hematological Society Leopoldsburg. Remembrance of executions during the days of liberation at the Ditch of the Dead, Slachtersbeek. The Atheneum Central School Campus Leopoldsburg has the sponsorship of the monument. The municipality of Leopoldsburg and the National Confederation of Political Prisoners and Rightholders of Belgium commemorated the fact that on 6 September 1944, German soldiers and Flemish SS executed 22 political prisoners on the Ditch of the Dead. Many veterans attended the ceremony. (in Dutch)

HEMATOLOGICAL SOCIETY LEOPOLDSBURG - December 14 2013Warrent Officer DeKeyser Historical and Hematological Society December 14,2013. Commemoration ceremony of Warrent Officer DeKeyser Florentinus, who was arrested as a resistance fighter by the Nazis on 8 April 1944. After he was deported to the Gross-Rosen concentration camp, he was tortured to death and died on 11 December 1944. A commemorative plaque was attached to the current Commissariaat of the police district Kempenland in the 1980s. In 1995 the Historical and Hematological Society revealed an explanatory street sign at the 'Adjudant De Keyserstraat'. Afterwards, no initiative to celebrate was taken. On the initiative of his son Jos DeKeyser, a subdued ceremony was held to honour not only his father, but also 'all' political prisoners from our region. (in Dutch)

TV LIMBURG - April 22 2015Today it is exactly a hundred years ago that a weapon of mass destruction was used for the first time during a war. In Langemark in West Flanders, Germany's army used poison gas for the first time during World War 1. Many allied soldiers died that day. The chlorine gas used then had been tested by the German army in Leopoldsburg two weeks earlier. The camp of Beverlo was the training ground of the German army. (in Dutch)

Small Stories in a Great War - Leopoldsburg - May 07, 2015The Province of Limburg commemorates the First World War with the exhibition "Limburg 1914-1918: Small stories in a Great War". An imposing black box in which a multimedia exhibition film is shown, as well as 44 identical concrete Stahlhelms, which symbolize the German occupation in Limburg. Each helmet represents one Limburg municipality.

Onder de radar - October 21 2020Bombardment of Camp Beverlo in Leopoldsburg
Peter Schrijvers, historian / curator for the municipality of Leopoldsburg, is developing the new museum “Liberation Garden”, which is expected to open in 2022. Several crew members of British bombers, who are involved in the bombing of Leopoldsburg, are buried in the British cemetery (Commonwealth). . The first bombardment of the Beverlo camp took place in the night of 11-12 May 1944. However, this went completely wrong. The wind and cloud cover cause the bombs to drift to Beverlo, Koersel and Heppen. This causes more than 80 victims, what is called "collateral damage". The main objective of the second bombardment of Camp Beverlo on May 27-28, 1944 was to eliminate the 12th SS Panzer Vision, the Hiltlerjugend, so that they could no longer support in Normandy. However, that division had already left without the Allies noticing. It was a very powerful bombardment with bombs from 250 to 500 pounds. Large parts of the camp were wiped out in one go. (in Dutch)
Peter Schrijvers, historian / curator for the municipality of Leopoldsburg, is developing the new museum “Liberation Garden”, which is expected to open in 2022. Several crew members of British bombers, who are involved in the bombing of Leopoldsburg, are buried in the British cemetery (Commonwealth). . The first bombardment of the Beverlo camp took place in the night of 11-12 May 1944. However, this went completely wrong. The wind and cloud cover cause the bombs to drift to Beverlo, Koersel and Heppen. This causes more than 80 victims, what is called "collateral damage". The main objective of the second bombardment of Camp Beverlo on May 27-28, 1944 was to eliminate the 12th SS Panzer Vision, the Hiltlerjugend, so that they could no longer support in Normandy. However, that division had already left without the Allies noticing. It was a very powerful bombardment with bombs from 250 to 500 pounds. Large parts of the camp were wiped out in one go. (in Dutch)
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